Z. Mirman, N.K. Sasi, A. King, J.R. Chapman and T. de Lange (2022). 53BP1–shieldin-dependent DSB processing in BRCA1-deficient cells requires CST–Polα–primase fill-in synthesis. Nat Cell Biol 24, 51–61
L.R. Myler, C.G. Kinzig, N.K. Sasi, G. Zakusilo, S.W. Cai and T. de Lange (2021) The evolution of metazoan shelterin. Genes Dev 35:1625-1641.
S.M. Dewhurst, X. Yao, J. Rosiene, H. Tian, J. Behr, N. Bosco, K.K. Takai, T. de Lange and M. Imieliński (2021) Structural variant evolution after telomere crisis. Nat Commun 12:2093.
K. Hadi et al. (2020) Distinct Classes of Complex Structural Variation Uncovered across Thousands of Cancer Genome Graphs. Cell 183: 197-210.e32.
C.A. Lovejoy, K. Takai, M.S. Huh, D.J. Picketts & T. de Lange (2020) ATRX affects the repair of telomeric DSBs by promoting cohesion and a DAXX-dependent activity. PLoS Biol 18: e3000594.
J. Maciejowski, A. Chatzipli, A. Dananberg, K. Chu, E. Toufektchan, L.J. Klimczak, D.A. Gordenin, P.J. Campbell and T. de Lange. (2020) APOBEC3-dependent kataegis and TREX1-driven chromothripsis during telomere crisis. Nat Genet 52: 884-890.
I. Schmutz, A.R. Mensenkamp, K.K. Takai, M. Haadsma, L. Spruijt, R.M. de Voer, S.S. Choo, F.K. Lorbeer, E.J. van Grinsven, D. Hockemeyer, M.C. Jongmans and T. de Lange (2020) TINF2 is a haploinsufficient tumor suppressor that limits telomere length. Elife 9:e61235
Z. Yang, K.K. Takai, C.A. Lovejoy & T. de Lange (2020) Break-induced replication promotes fragile telomere formation. Genes Dev 34: 1392-1405.
L.A. Timashev & T. de Lange (2020) Characterization of t-loop formation by TRF2. Nucleus 11: 164-177.
Z. Mirman & T. de Lange (2020) 53BP1: a DSB escort. Genes Dev. 34: 7-23.
K. Kratz & T. de Lange (2018) Protection of telomeres 1 proteins POT1a and POT1b can repress ATR signaling by RPA exclusion, but binding to CST limits ATR repression by POT1b. J Biol Chem: 293: 14384-14392.
Z. Mirman, F. Lottersberger, H. Takai, T. Kibe, Y. Gong, K. Takai, A. Bianchi, M. Zimmermann, D. Durocher & Titia de Lange (2018) 53BP1–RIF1–shieldin counteracts DSB resection through CST- and Polα-dependent fill-in. Nature: 560: 112-116.
T. de Lange (2018) Shelterin-mediated telomere protection. Ann. Rev. Genetics 52:223-247.
T. de Lange (2018) What I got wrong about shelterin. J. Biol. Chem. 293: 10453-10456.
L.A. Timashev, H. Babcock, X. Zhuang & T. de Lange (2017) The DDR at telomeres lacking intact shelterin does not require substantial chromatin decompaction. Genes Dev 31: 578-589.
I. Schmutz, L. Timashev, W. Xie, D.J. Patel & T. de Lange (2017) TRF2 binds branched DNA to safeguard telomere integrity. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.: 24:734-742.
Z. Yang, J. Maciejowski & T. de Lange (2017) Nuclear envelope rupture is enhanced by loss of p53 or Rb. Mol. Cancer Res. 15: 1579-1586.
J. Maciejowski & T. de Lange (2017) Telomeres in cancer: tumour suppression and genome instability. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 18: 175-186.
Y. Gong, N. Handa, S.C. Kowalczykowski & T. de Lange (2017) PHF11 promotes DSB resection, ATR signaling, and HR. Genes Dev 31: 46-58.
F. Erdel, K. Kratz, S. Willcox, J.D. Griffith, E.C. Greene & T. de Lange (2017) Telomere Recognition and Assembly Mechanism of Mammalian Shelterin. Cell Rep 18: 41-53.
T. Kibe, M. Zimmermann & T. de Lange (2016) TPP1 Blocks an ATR-Mediated Resection Mechanism at Telomeres. Mol Cell 61: 236-246
Y. Doksani & T. de Lange (2016) Telomere-Internal Double-Strand Breaks Are Repaired by Homologous Recombination and PARP1/Lig3-Dependent End-Joining. Cell Rep. 17: 1646-1656.
I. Schmutz & T. de Lange (2016) Shelterin. Curr Biol. 26: R397-399.
H. Takai, E. Jenkinson, S. Kabir, R. Babul-Hirji, N. Najm-Tehrani, D.A. Chitayat, Y.J. Crow & T. de Lange (2016) A POT1 mutation implicates defective telomere end fill-in and telomere truncations in Coats plus. Genes Dev 30: 812-826.
J. Maciejowski, Y. Li, N. Bosco, P.J. Campbell & T. de Lange (2015) Chromothripsis and Kataegis Induced by Telomere Crisis. Cell 163: 1641-1654.
A.S. Tong, J.L. Stern, A. Sfeir, M. Kartawinata, T. de Lange, X.-D. Zhu, T.M. Bryan (2015) ATM and ATR signaling regulate the recruitment of telomerase to telomeres. Cell Reports 13: 1633- 1646
F. Lottersberger, R.A. Karssemeijer, N. Dimitrova, T. de Lange (2015) 53BP1 and the LINC Complex Promote Microtubule-Dependent DSB Mobility and DNA Repair. Cell 163: 880-893.
T. de Lange (2015) A loopy view of telomere evolution. Front. Genet. 6:321.
S. Kabir, D. Hockemeyer, T. de Lange (2014). TALEN Gene Knockouts Reveal No Requirement for the Conserved Human Shelterin Protein Rap1 in Telomere Protection and Length Regulation. Cell Rep 9:1273-1280
M. Zimmermann, T. Kibe, S. Kabir, T. de Lange (2014). TRF1 negotiates TTAGGG repeat-associated replication problems by recruiting the BLM helicase and the TPP1/POT1 repressor of ATR signaling. Genes Dev 28: 2477-2491.
Y. Doksani, and T de Lange (2014) The role of double-strand break repair pathways at functional and dysfunctional telomeres. Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 2014 6: 1-15
D. Frescas, and T. de Lange (2014) Binding of TPP1 to TIN2 is required for POT1a,b-mediated telomere protection. J Biol Chem 289: 24180-24187.
D. Frescas, and T. de Lange (2014) TRF2-Tethered TIN2 Can Mediate Telomere Protection by TPP1/POT1. Mol Cell Biol 34: 1349-1362.
D. Frescas and T. de Lange (2014) A TIN2 dyskeratosis congenita mutation causes telomerase-independent telomere shortening in mice. Genes Dev. 28: 153-166.
M. Zimmermann, and T. de Lange (2014) 53BP1: pro choice in DNA repair. Trends Cell Biol 24: 108-117.
Y. Doksani*, J.Y. Wu*, T. de Lange, X. Zhuang (2013) Super-Resolution Fluorescence Imaging of Telomeres Reveals TRF2-Dependent T-Loop Formation. Cell 155: 345-356. *equal contribution
M. Zimmermann, F. Lottersberger, S. Buonomo, A. Sfeir, T. de Lange (2013) 53BP1 regulates DSB repair using Rif1 to control 5’ end resection. Science 6120: 700-704.
F. Lottersberger**, A. Bothmer**, D.F. Robbiani, M. Nussenzweig*, T. de Lange* (2013) Role of 53BP1 oligomerization in regulating DSB repair. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 2146-2151. **equal contribution. *corresponding author.
N. Bosco and T. de Lange (2012) A TRF1-controlled common fragile site containing interstitial telomeric sequences. Chromosoma 121: 465-474.
C.A. Lovejoy et al. For the ALT Starr Cancer Consortium. (2012) Loss of ATRX, genome instability, and an altered DNA damage response are hallmarks of the Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres pathway. PLoS Genetics 8:e1002772 * corresponding author.
P. Wu, H. Takai and T. de Lange (2012) Telomeric 3' Overhangs Derive from Resection by Exo1 and Apollo and Fill-In by POT1b-Associated CST. Cell 150: 39-52.
T. Davoli and T. de Lange (2012) Telomere-driven tetraploidization occurs in human cells undergoing crisis and promotes transformation in mouse cells. Cancer Cell 21: 765-776.
A. Sfeir and T. de Lange (2012) Removal of shelterin reveals the telomere end-protection problem. Science 336: 593-597.
K. Takai, T. Kibe, J. Donigian, D. Frescas and T. de Lange (2011) Telomere Protection by TPP1/POT1 Requires Tethering to TIN2. Mol. Cell, 44: 647-659.
T. Davoli & T. de Lange (2011) The Causes and Consequences of Polypolidy in Normal Development and Cancer. Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol, 27: 585-610
H. Scherthan, A. Sfeir, and T. de Lange (2011) Rap1-independent telomere attachment and bouquet formation in mammalian meiosis. Chromosoma 120: 151-157.
T. de Lange (2010) How shelterin solves the telomere end-protection problem. 75th CSH Symp.Quant. Biol., 75:167-177.
S. Kabir, A. Sfeir, and T. de Lange (2010) Taking apart Rap1: an adaptor protein with telomeric and non-telomeric functions. Cell Cycle 20: 4061-4067.
Z. Horejsi, H. Takai, S. Collins, H. Flynn, S. Maslen, J.M. Skehel, T. de Lange, and S. Boulton (2010) CK2 phospho-dependent binding of R2TP complex to Tel2 is essential for mTOR and SMG1 stability. Mol. Cell, 39:839-850.
Y. Gong and T. de Lange (2010) A Shld1-controlled POT1a provides support for repression of ATR signaling at telomeres through RPA exclusion. Mol. Cell 40: 377-387.
K.K. Takai, S. Hooper, S. Blackwood, R. Gandhi, and T. de Lange (2010). In vivo stoichiometry of shelterin components. J Biol Chem 285: 1457-1467.
H. Takai*, Y. Xiey*, T. de Lange** and N.P. Pavletich** (2010) Tel2 structure and function in the Hsp90-dependent maturation of mTOR and ATR complexes. Genes Dev. 24: 2019-2030.
de Lange, T. (2010) Telomere Biology and DNA repair: Enemies with benefits. FEBS Letters 584: 3673-3674.
P. Wu, M. van Overbeek, S. Rooney, T. de Lange T. (2010) Apollo Contributes to G Overhang Maintenance and Protects Leading-End Telomeres. Mol. Cell. 39: 606-617.
T. Davoli, E. Lazzerini Denchi, T. de Lange (2010) Persistent Telomere Damage Induces Bypass of Mitosis and Tetraploidy. Cell 141: 81-93.
A. Sfeir, S. Kabir, M. van Overbeek, G.B. Celli, T. de Lange (2010) Loss of Rap1 induces telomere recombination in the absence of NHEJ or a DNA damage signal. Science 327: 1657-1661.
T. Kibe, G.A. Osawa, C.E. Keegan, T. de Lange (2010) Telomere protection by TPP1 is mediated by POT1a and POT1b. Mol. Cell. Biol. 30: 1059-1066.
K. Takai, S. Hooper, S. Blackwood, T. de Lange (2010) In Vivo stoichiometry of shelterin complex. J. Biol. Chem. 285: 1457-1467.
T. de Lange (2009) How telomeres solve the end-protection problem. Science 326: 948-952.
P. Wu & T . de Lange (2009) Human telomerase caught in the act. Cell 138: 432-434.
S. Buonomo, Y. Wu, D. Ferguson, T. de Lange (2009) Mammalian Rif1 contributes to replication stress survival and homology-directed repair. J. Cell Biol. 187:385-398.
N. Dimitrova & T. de Lange (2009) Cell cycle dependent role of MRN at dysfunctional telomeres: ATM signaling-dependent induction of NHEJ in G1 and resection-mediated inhibition of NHEJ in G2. Mol. Cell. Biol. 290:5552-5563.
A. Sfeir, S.T. Kosiyatrakul, D. Hockemeyer, S.L. MacRae, J. Karlseder, C.L. Schildkraut, T. de Lange (2009) Mammalian telomeres resemble fragile sites and require TRF1 for efficient replication. Cell.138:90-103.
W. Palm, D. Hockemeyer, T. Kibe, T. de Lange (2008) Functional dissection of human and mouse POT1 proteins. Mol Cell Biol.29:471-82.
N. Dimitrova, YC. Chen, DL. Spector, T. de Lange (2008) 53BP1 promotes non-homologous end joining of telomeres by increasing chromatin mobility. Nature.456:524-8.
P. Wu and T. de Lange (2008) No Overt Nucleosome Eviction at Deprotected Telomeres. Mol. Cell Biol. 28:5724-35.
W. Palm and T. de Lange (2008) How shelterin protects mammalian telomeres. Ann Rev Genetics 42:301-334.
D. Hockemeyer, W. Palm, R. Wang, S. Couto, and T. de Lange (2008) Engineered telomere degradation models dyskeratosis congenita. Genes Dev. 22:1773-1785.
A. Konishi and T. de Lange (2008) Cell cycle control of telomere protection and NHEJ revealed by a ts mutation in the DNA binding domain of TRF2. Genes Dev. 22:1221-30.
Y. Chen, Y. Yang, M. van Overbeek, J. R. Donigian, P. Baciu, T. de Lange, and M. Lei (2008) A shared docking motif in TRF1 and TRF2 used for differential recruitment of telomeric proteins. Science 319: 1092-6.
H. Takai, R. Wang, K. Takai, H. Yang, and T. de Lange (2007) Tel2 regulates the stability of PI3K-related protein kinases. Cell 131: 1248-1259.
E. Lazzerini Denchi and T. de Lange (2007) Protection of telomeres through independent control of ATM and ATR by TRF2 and POT1. Nature. 448:1068-71.
J. R. Donigian and T. de Lange (2007) The Role of the Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Tankyrase1 in Telomere Length Control by the TRF1 Component of the Shelterin Complex. J. Biol. Chem. 282:22662-7.
D. Hockemeyer, W. Palm, T. Else, J.-P. Daniels, K. Takai, J. Z.-S. Ye, T. de Lange, and G. Hammer (2007) Telomere protection by mammalian POT1 requires interaction with TPP1. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 8:754-61.
B. Liebe, G. Petukhova, M. Barchi, M. Bellani, H. Braselmann, T. Nakano, M.T.K. Pandita, M. Jasin, A. Fornace, M.L. Meistrich, W. M. Baarends, J. Schimenti, T. de Lange, S. Keeney, R.D. Camerini-Otero, H. Scherthan. (2006) Mutations that affect meiosis in male mice influence the dynamics of mid-preleptotene and bouquet stages. Exp. Cell Res.312: 3768-3781.
T. de Lange (2006) Lasker Laurels for Telomerase. Cell 126: 1017-1020.
N. Dimitrova and T. de Lange (2006) MDC1 accelerates nonhomologous end-joining of dysfunctional telomeres. Genes and Development. 20: 3238-3243
E. Lazzerini Denchi, G.B. Celli and T. de Lange (2006) Hepatocytes with extensive telomere deprotection and fusion remain viable and regenerate liver mass through endoreduplication. Genes and Development 20: 2648-2653.
D. Hockemeyer, J.-P. Daniels, H. Takai, and T. de Lange (2006) Recent expansion of the telomeric complex in rodents: two distinct POT1 proteins protect mouse telomeres. Cell 126: 63-77.
M. van Overbeek and T. de Lange (2006) Apollo, an Artemis related nuclease, interacts with TRF2 and protects human telomeres in S phase. Curr. Biol.16: 1295-1302.
G.B. Celli, E. Lazzerini Denchi, and T. de Lange (2006) Ku70 stimulates fusion of dysfunctional telomeres yet protects chromosome ends from homologous recombination. Nature Cell Biol. 8: 855-862.
T. de Lange (2005) Telomere-related genome instability in cancer. CSH Symp. Quant. Biol. 70: 197-204.
J.J.L. Jacobs and T. de Lange (2005) p16INK4as a second effector of the telomere damage response. Cell Cycle 4: 1364-1368.
T. de Lange (2005) Mammalian telomeres. Telomeres T. de Lange, V. Lundblad, and E.H. Blackburn eds., CSH press.
T. de Lange (2005). Shelterin: the protein complex that shapes and safe-guards human telomeres. Genes and Development 19: 2100-2110.
G. Celli and T. de Lange (2005) DNA processing not required for ATM activation or the telomere damage response after conditional deletion of mouse TRF2. Nature Cell Biol. 7: 712-718.
D. Hockemeyer, A. J. Sfeir, J.W. Shay, W.E. Wright, and T. de Lange (2005) POT1 protects telomeres from a transient DNA damage response and determines how human chromosomes end. EMBO J. 24: 2667-2678.
J.J.L. Jacobs and T. de Lange (2004) Significant role for p16INK4a in p53-independent telomere-directed senescence. Curr. Biol. 14: 1-20.
R. Wang, A. Smogorzewska, and T. de Lange (2004) Homologous recombination generates t-loop sized deletions at human telomeres. Cell 119: 355-368.
J.Z.-S. Ye*, J. Donigian*, M. van Overbeek*, D. Loayza, B. Chait, A. Krut chinsky, and T. de Lange (2004) TIN2 binds TRF1 and TRF2 simultaneously and stabilizes the TRF2 complex on telomeres. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 47264-47271.
J. Silverman, H. Takai, S.B.C. Buonomo, F. Eisenhaber, and T. de Lange (2004) Human Rif1, ortholog of a yeast telomeric protein, is regulated by ATM and 53BP1 and functions in the S-phase checkpoint. Genes and Development 18: 2108-2119.
J. Karlseder, K. Hoke, O. Mirzoeva, C. Bakkenist, M. Kastan, J.H.J. Petrini, and T. de Lange (2004) The telomeric protein TRF2 binds the ATM kinase and can inhibit the ATM-dependent DNA damage response. PLoS Biology 2: 1150-1157.
J. Z.-S. Ye, D. Hockemeyer, A. Krutchinsky, D. Loayza, S. Hooper, B. Chait, and T. de Lange (2004) POT1 Interacting Protein PIP1: a telomere length regulator that recruits POT1 to the TIN2/TRF1 complex. Genes and Development 18: 1649-1654.
Loayza and T. de Lange (2004) Telomerase regulation at the telomere: a binary switch. Cell 117: 279-280.
T. de Lange (2004) T-loops and the origin of telomeres. Nature Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 5: 323-329.
Smogorzewska and T. de Lange (2004) Regulation of telomerase by telomeric proteins. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 73: 177-208.
J. Z.-S. Ye and T. de Lange (2004) TIN2 is a tankyrase 1 PARP-modulator in the TRF1 telomere length control complex. Nat. Genet. 36: 618-623.
D. Loayza, H. Parsons, J. R. Donigian, K. Hoke, and T. de Lange (2004) DNA binding features of human POT1: A nonamer 5'-TAGGGTTAG-3' minimal binding site, sequence specificity, and internal binding to multimeric sites. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 13241-13248.
X.-D. Zhu, L. Niedernhofer, B. Kuster, M. Mann, J. H. J. Hoeijmakers, and T. de Lange (2003) ERCC1/XPF removes the 3' overhang from uncapped telomeres and represses formation of telomeric DNA containing double minute chromosomes. Mol Cell 6: 1489-1498.
B. Li and T. de Lange (2003) Rap1 affects the length and heterogeneity of human telomeres. Mol. Biol. Cell 14: 5060-5068.
T. de Lange (2003) Telomeres: protection and maintenance. Encyclopedia of the Human Genome. D. Cooper, editor. Nature Publishing group. McMillan press.
J. Karlseder, L. Kachatrian, H. Takai, K. Mercer, S. Hingorani, T. Jacks, and T. de Lange (2003) Targeted deletion reveals an essential function for the telomere length regulator Trf1. Mol. Cell. Biol., 23: 6533-6541.
H. Takai, A. Smogorzewska, and T. de Lange (2003) DNA damage foci at dysfunctional telomeres. Curr. Biol. 13: 1549-1556.
D. Loayza and T. de Lange (2003) POT1 as a terminal transducer of TRF1 telomere length control. Nature, 423: 1013-1018.
A. Smogorzewska, J. Karlseder, A. Jauch, and T. de Lange (2002) DNA ligase IV dependent NHEJ of deprotected human telomeres in G1 and G2. Curr. Biol. 12: 1634-1644.
A. Smogorzewska and T. de Lange (2002). Different telomere damage signaling pathways in human and mouse cells. EMBO J. 21: 4338-4348.
J Karlseder, A. Smogorzewska, and T. de Lange (2002) Senescence induced by altered telomere state, not telomere loss. Science 295: 2446-2449.
T. de Lange (2002) Protection of mammalian telomeres. Oncogene 21: 532-540.
R. Stansel, T. de Lange, J. D. Griffith (2001) T-loop assembly in vitro involves binding of TRF2 near the 3' telomeric overhang. EMBO J. 20: 5532-5540.
S. Hanaoka, A. Nagadoi, S. Yoshimura, S. Aimoto, B. Li, T. de Lange, Y. Nishimura (2001) NMR structure of the hRap1 Myb motif reveals a canonical three helix bundle lacking the positive surface charge typical of Myb DNA binding domains. J. Mol. Biol. 312: 167-175.
L. Fairall, L.Chapman, H. Moss, T. de Lange, D. Rhodes (2001). Structure of the TRFH dimerization Domain of the Human Telomeric Proteins TRF1 and TRF2. Mol. Cell 8: 351-361.
T. de Lange (2001) Telomere capping: one strand fits all. Science 292:1075-1076.
J. L. Munoz-Jordan, G .A. M. Cross, T. de Lange, and J. D. Griffith. (2001) T-loops at trypanosome telomeres. EMBO J. 20: 579-588.
H. Scherthan, M. Jerratsch, B. Li, S. Smith, M. Hulten, T. Lock, and T. de Lange (2000). Mammalian meiotic telomeres: protein composition and their redistribution in relation to nuclear pores. Mol. Biol. Cell 11: 4189-4203.
S. Smith and T. de Lange (2000) Tankyrase promotes telomere elongation in human cells. Current Biol. 10: 1299-1302.
T. de Lange and J.H.J. Petrini. (2000) A new connection at human telomeres: association of the Mre11 complex with TRF2. CSH Symp. Quant. Biol.Vol LXV: 265-273.
X.-D. Zhu, B. Kuster, M. Mann, J.H.J. Petrini, and T. de Lange (2000) Cell cycle regulated association of the Rad50/Mre11/Nbs1 complex with TRF2 and human telomeres. Nature Genetics 25: 347-352.
B. Li, S. Oestreich, and T. de Lange (2000) Identification of Human Rap1: Implications for Telomere Evolution. Cell 101: 471-483.
Smogorzewska, B. van Steensel, A. Bianchi, G. Schnapp, M. R. Schaefer, S. Oelmann, T. de Lange (2000). Control of human telomere length by TRF1 and TRF2. Mol. Cell Biol. 20: 1659-1668.
L. Zhu, S. Smith, T. de Lange, M. F. Seldin. (1999) Chromosomal mapping of the Tankyrase gene in human and mouse. Genomics 57:320-321.
T. de Lange and R. DePinho (1999) Unlimited mileage from telomerase? Science 283: 947-949.
J. Karlseder, D. Broccoli, Y. Dai, S. Hardy, T. de Lange (1999) ATM- and p53-dependent apoptosis induced by telomeres lacking TRF2. Science 283: 1321-1325.
J. D. Griffith, L. Comeau, S. Rosenfield, R. Stansel, A. Bianchi, H. Moss, T. de Lange. (1999) Mammalian telomeres end in a large duplex loop. Cell 97: 503-514.
A. Bianchi and T. de Lange (1999) Ku binds telomeric DNA in vitro. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 21223-21227.
S. Smith, T. de Lange (1999) Cell cycle dependent localization of tankyrase, a telomeric PARP, to centrosomes and nuclear pore complexes. J. Cell Sci. 112: 3649-3656.
T. de Lange and T. Jacks (1999) For better or worse? Telomerase inhibition and cancer. Cell 98: 273-275.
Bianchi, R. M. Stansel, L. Fairall, J. D. Griffith, D. Rhodes, T. de Lange (1999) TRF1 binds a bipartite telomeric site with extreme spatial flexibility. EMBO J. 18: 5735-5744.
T. de Lange (1998) Ending up with the right partner. Nature 392: 753-754.
J. Griffith, A. Bianchi, T. de Lange (1998) TRF1 promotes parallel pairing of telomeric DNA in vitro. J. Mol. Biol. 278: 79-88.
B. van Steensel, A. Smogorzewska, T. de Lange (1998) TRF2 protects human telomeres from end-to-end fusions. Cell 92: 401-413.
T. de Lange (1998) Telomeres and senescence: ending the debate. Science 279: 334-335.
X. Dong, M.A. Michelis, J. Wang, R. Bose, T. de Lange, W.H. Reeves (1998) Autoantibodies to DEK oncoprotein in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and sarcoidosis. Arthritis Rheum. 41:1505-1510.
S. Smith, I. Giriat, A. Schmitt, T. de Lange (1998) Tankyrase, a poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase at human telomeres. Science 282: 1484-1488.
Broccoli, A. Smogorzewska, L. Chong, T. de Lange (1997) Human telomeres contain two distinct Myb-related proteins, TRF1 and TRF2. Nature Genetics 17: 231-235.
van Steensel and T. de Lange (1997) Control of telomere length by the human telomeric protein TRF1. Nature 385: 740-744.
S. Smith and T. de Lange (1997) TRF1, a mammalian telomeric protein. TIG 13: 21-26.
Bianchi, S. Smith, L. Chong, P. Elias, T. de Lange (1997) TRF1 is a dimer and bends telomeric DNA. EMBO J. 7: 1785-1794.
D. Broccoli, L. Chong, S. Oelmann, A.A. Fernald, N. Marziliano, B. van Steensel, D. Kipling, M.M. Le Beau, T. de Lange (1997) Comparison of the human and mouse genes encoding the telomeric protein, TRF1: chromosomal localization, expression, and conserved protein domains. Human Mol. Genet. 6: 69-76.
T. de Lange (1996) In search of vertebrate telomeric proteins. Sem. Cell. Dev. Biol. 7: 23-29.
M.E.E. Luderus, B. van Steensel, L. Chong, O.C.M. Sibon, F.F.M. Cremers, T. de Lange (1996) Structure, subnuclear distribution, and nuclear matrix association of the mammalian telomeric complex. J. Cell Biol. 135: 867-883.
D. Broccoli, L.A. Godley, L.A. Donehower, H.E. Varmus, T. de Lange (1996) Telomerase activation in mouse mammary tumors: lack of telomere shortening and evidence for regulation of telomerase RNA with cell proliferation. Mol. Cell. Biol. 16: 3765-3772.
T. de Lange (1995) Telomere dynamics and genome instability in human cancer. Telomeres. E.H. Blackburn and C.W. Greider, eds. CSH press, pp. 265-293.
L. Chong, B. van Steensel, D. Broccoli, H. Erdjument-Bromage, J. Hanish, P. Tempst, T. de Lange (1995) A human telomeric protein. Science 270: 1663-1667.
D. Broccoli, J.W. Young, T. de Lange (1995) Telomerase activity in normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92: 9082-9086.
J.P. Hanish, J. Yanowitz, T. de Lange (1994) Stringent sequence requirements for telomere formation in human cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 8861-8865.
T. de Lange (1994) Activation of telomerase in a human tumor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91: 2882-2885.
H. Tommerup, A. Dousmanis, T. de Lange (1994) Unusual chromatin in human telomeres. Mol. Cell. Biol. 14: 5777-5785.
M.E. Cardenas, A. Bianchi, T. de Lange (1993) A Xenopus egg factor with DNA-binding properties characteristic of terminus-specific telomeric proteins. Genes and Development 7: 883-894.
D. Saltman, R. Morgan, M. Cleary, T. de Lange (1993) Telomeric structure in cells with chromosome end associations. Chromosoma 102: 121-128.
Z. Zhong, L. Shiue, S. Kaplan, T. de Lange (1992) A mammalian factor that binds telomeric TTAGGG repeats in vitro. Mol. Cell. Biol. 12: 4834-4843.
T. de Lange (1992) Human telomeres are attached to nuclear matrix. EMBO J. 11: 717-724.
M. Burmeister, S.W. Kim, E.R. Price, T. de Lange, U. Tantravahi, R.M. Myers, D.R. Cox (1991) A map of the distal long arm of human chromosome 21, constructed by using radiation hybrids and pulsed field gel electrophoresis. Genomics 9: 19-30.
T. de Lange, L. Shiue, R.M. Myers, D.R. Cox, S.L. Naylor, A.M. Killery, H.E. Varmus (1990) Structure and variability of human chromosome ends. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10: 518-527.
J. Stone, T. de Lange, G. Ramsay, E. Jacobovits, J.M. Bishop, H.E. Varmus, W.M.F. Lee (1987) Definition of regions in human c-myc that are involved in transformation and nuclear localization. Mol. Cell. Biol. 7: 1697-1709.
M. Timmers, T. de Lange, J.M. Kooter, P. Borst (1987) Coincident multiple activations of the same surface antigen gene in Trypanosoma brucei. J. Mol. Biol. 194: 81-90.
T. de Lange (1986) The molecular biology of antigenic variation in trypanosomes: Gene rearrangements and discontinuous transcription. Intern. Rev. Cytol. 99: 85-113.
M. Imboden, B. Blum, T. de Lange, R. Braun, T. Seebeck (1986) Tubulin mRNAs of Trypanosoma brucei. J. Mol. Biol. 188: 393-402.
A. Bernards, L.H.T. van der Ploeg, W.C. Gibson, P. Leegwater, F. Eijgenraam, T. de Lange, P. Weyers, J. Calafat, P. Borst (1986). Rapid change of the repertoire of Variant Surface Glycoprotein genes in trypanosomes by gene duplication and deletion. J. Mol. Biol. 190: 1-10.
T. de Lange, J.M. Kooter, J. Luirink, P. Borst (1985) Transcription of a transposed trypanosome surface antigen gene starts upstream of the transposed segment. EMBO J. 4: 3299-3306.
T. de Lange, T.M. Berkvens, H.G. Veerman, A.C.C. Frasch, J.D. Barry, P. Borst (1984) Comparison of the genes coding for the common 5' terminal sequence of messenger RNAs in three trypanosome species. Nucl. Acids Res. 12: 4431-4443.
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T. de Lange, P.A.M. Michels, H.J.G. Veerman, A.W.C.A. Cornelissen, P. Borst (1984) Many trypanosome mRNAs share a common 5' terminal sequence. Nucl. Acids Res. 12: 3777-3790.
A. Bernards, T. de Lange, P.A.M. Michels, M.J. Huisman, P. Borst (1984) Two modes of activation of a single surface antigen gene of Trypanosoma brucei. Cell 36: 163-170.
D. Kioussis, D. Vanin, T. de Lange, R.A.F. Flavell, F.G. Grosveld (1984) Β-globin gene inactivation by DNA translocation in γΒ-thalassemia. Nature 306: 662-666.
P. Borst, A. Bernards, L.H.T. van der Ploeg, P.A. Michels, A.Y. Liu, T. de Lange, J.M. Kooter (1983) The control of variant surface antigen synthesis in trypanosomes. Eur. J. Biochem. 137: 383-389.
T. de Lange, J.M. Kooter, P.A.M. Michels, P. Borst (1983) Telomere conversion in trypanosomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 11: 8149-8165.
T. de Lange, A.Y.C. Liu, L.H.T. van der Ploeg, P. Borst, M.C. Tromp, J.C. van Boom (1983) Tandem repetition of the 5' mini-exon of Variant Surface Glycoprotein genes. Cell 34: 891-900.
L.H.T. van der Ploeg, A.Y.C. Liu, P.A.M. Michels, T. de Lange, P. Borst, H.K. Majumder, H. Weber, G.H. Veeneman, J.C. van Boom (1982) RNA splicing is required to make the messenger RNA for a Variant Surface Glycoprotein in trypanosomes. Nucl. Acids Res. 10: 3591-3604.
L.H.T. van der Ploeg, D. Valerio, T. de Lange, A. Bernards. P. Borst, F.G. Grosveld (1982) An analysis of cosmid clones of nuclear DNA from Trypanosoma brucei shows that the genes for Variant Surface Glycoprotein are clustered in the genome. Nucl. Acids Res. 10: 5905-5923.
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S. Hueting, T. de Lange, D.W. Tempest (1979) Energy requirement for maintenance of the transmembrane potassium gradient in Klebsiella aerogenes NCTC 418: a continuous culture study. Arch. Microbiol. 123: 183-188.
S. Hueting, T. de Lange , D. Tempest (1978) Properties and regulation of synthesis of the glycerol dehydrogenase present in Klebsiella aerogenes NCTC 418, growing in chemostat culture. FEMS 4: 195-198